Cross-Platform Addressability

Blockgraph Cross-Platform-Addressability

Seamlessly activate your target audience across all forms of connected TV in a privacy-focused way.

Our software provides the matching, permissions, and workflow capabilities to distribute a custom audience segment across all connected TV platforms with the push of a button. Need to translate offline data into digital IDs for activation? No problem, we can help with that too.

Activating Automotive Audiences
Securely Across Connected TV Platforms

Blockgraph’s Cross-Platform Addressability Solution helps auto advertiser reached its custom segment across addressable & connected solutions

An auto advertiser wants to reach its custom target segment of “truck buyers” across all of its connected TV distribution channels for a given publisher’s converged TV inventory while managing frequency.


Each distribution environment has unique audience identity signals for targeting - ranging from set-top box device IDs, to email, to device IDs, to other digital signals such as cookies or IP addresses.


Publishers must secure permissions for data enablement from their planning and distribution partners - each of whom has their own data policies and strategies.


Current approaches for onboarding require data centralization, creating operational complexities and increasing costs while limiting each participant’s control over their data’s use.

The Challenge


Blockgraph’s platform enabled the auto advertiser, publisher, and distribution partner to collaboratively size a custom audience and activate it across distribution endpoints, while ensuring that all participants had the appropriate permissions for any segment data or aggregated match counts they received. 

And all of this was accomplished without any third parties involved in the transaction.


Auto advertiser loaded the custom segment from their CRM into their Blockgraph node and leveraged Blockgraph’s modeling services with a trusted identity services provider to create a lookalike audience. Blockgraph’s software ensured data were encrypted before assigning relevant Blockgraph IDs.


Auto advertiser permissioned the segment over to their intended publisher partner using Blockgraph. Given its commercial value, when sharing the segment, the brand set the permission that prevented its publisher partner from being able to download any IDs.


Once it received the segment from the auto advertiser, the publisher was able to initiate match requests to size the audience with planning and distribution partners.


Blockgraph’s permission layer verified that all planning and distribution partners authenticated the match request, and Blockgraph’s software automatically calculated the aggregated match rate and published it to the publisher’s node. Each planning and distribution partner was then able to load matching IDs (either as Blockgraph IDs, proprietary account IDs, or digital device IDs) into its downstream planning or addressable ad servers.

The End Result

Publisher was able to provide total reach estimates to auto advertiser at the start of the campaign. During the flight, the publisher was able to use Blockgraph IDs to manage reach across all forms of connected TV distribution endpoints.

Activate Across All Channels

custom audience can be distributed to any destination, any time


distribution channels
deliver to open and closed converged TV distribution
ecosystems including VOD, linear, vMVPDs, DDL, and digital video

Unlock the power of connected TV.

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