Blockgraph that Data

Protect and connect data for converged TV targeting, measurement, and attribution.

For simple, fast, privacy-safe data collaboration with trusted partners, Blockgraph your data.

How It Works

Blockgraphing data means protecting and connecting data for audience-based converged TV targeting, measurement, and attribution. Blockgraph your data in three steps:


Import your audience data to a Blockgraph node. Each node is part of Blockgraph’s secure-by-design, privacy-focused platform.


Your audience data is encrypted within the node and assigned a Blockgraph ID (BG ID) for each unique household.  


Engage with trusted partners on the Blockgraph platform, using your Blockgraphed data to perform converged TV targeting, measurement, and attribution across connected homes.


Blockgraphing your data gives you a clear advantage in audience-based advertising throughout the converged TV ecosystem.

Time to

Remove intermediaries from the data matching process for streamlined audience onboarding.


Your data is secure with protections maintained throughout the Blockgraph ecosystem.


Expand your audience reach via peer-to-peer matching.

Precision Targeting

Match your data with accurate  industry identity data via distributor partners.

Welcome to the future of TV advertising

To protect and connect your data for accelerated audience-based converged TV targeting, measurement, and attribution across connected homes:

Blockgraph that data

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